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original shows

  • Tristan and Iseult (2009)
  • Pandora's Box (2006)
  • A House Full of Stories, family show (2006)
  • Le jardin parfumé : contes érotiques de Shéhérazade, in French only ( 2005)
  • Naughty stories for consenting adults (2004)


  • More than a 1,000 shows in Québec, Ontario, France and Germany, in performance halls, festivals, libraries and schools (1995 to the present) (1995 to 2010)
  • Solo performances, Contes pour la pleine lune, Maison de la culture Ahuntsic-Cartierville (fall 2009)
  • Solo performances , Tristan et Iseult  — Productions Littorale (Sherbrooke), Maison de la culture de Blainville, Maison de la Culture du Plateau Mont-Royal, Contes pour la pleine lune at l’Anse-Saint-Jean, etc. (2009-2010)
  • Storytelling tour in Maisons de la culture, Conseil des arts de Montréal (2008-2009)
  • Solo shows and participation in groups shows, Dimanches du conte, Sergent Recruteur (2005 et 2007)
  • Solo show, Mardis Gras du conte (2004)
  • Solo show, Trois-Pistoles (2004)
  • Solo show, Journées de la culture, Maison de la culture Notre-Dame-de-Grâce (2003)
  • Storytelling tour in Ontario Canadian Children’s Book Week (2002)
  • Solo show, Pandora's Box, Fourth Stage, National Arts Center, Ottawa (2009)
  • Group shows, Fourth Stage, National Arts Center, Ottawa (2009, 2002)

guest storyteller — festivals

  • Toronto Storytelling Festival(2010, 2008, 2004)
  • Aachen Storytelling Festival (Allemagne) (2008, 2009)
  • Festival Passeurs d’histoires, Baden, France (2007)
  • Festival du conte et de la parole en Acadie (2007)
  • Festival Contes en Îles, Îles de la Madeleine (2006)
  • Ottawa Storytelling Festival (1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006)
  • Québec Intercultural Storytelling Festival (1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009)
  • Festival Bouche à Oreille, Montréal (2004 à 2007)
  • Festival Les Jours Sont Contés en Estrie (2003, 2005, 2007, 2008)
  • Conteurs en rafale, Tadoussac (2004)
  • Festival Les Grandes Gueules, Trois Pistoles (2003)
  • Festival des Arts et Métiers (2002)
  • Festival du conte de St-Jovite (2001)

awards and grants

  • Travel grants to participate in international storytelling festivals, Canada Arts Council (2007 to 2010)
  • Grant to create the show Tristan and Iseult, Conseil des arts et lettres du Québec (2008)
  • Show Award Winner for Contes érotiques de Shéhérazade, with Myriam El Yamani and Hassan El Hadi
    Conseil des arts de Montréal en tournée (2008-2009)
  • Le Hibou d’Or, Audience Award, for Coquines, coquettes et costaudes, Soirées de contes au Troquet, Gatineau (2007)
  • Parents’ Choice Gold Award pour Dreaming Tall : Stories for growing girls, CD de contes (États-Unis, 2007)
  • Bourse pour la production d’un CD, Conseil des arts du Canada (2005)
  • Lauréate, Vitrine des nouveaux visages du conte au Québec, Festival International des arts de la parole (2004)

storytelling workshops

  • Guest speaker at many conferences and conventions including the Distinguished Educators’ Series, Centre of Educational Leadership, McGill University (2008, 2009), the Canadian Literacy Conference (2003), the annual conference of the Montreal Teachers’ Association (2000, 2002) , the Québec Librarians’ Association (2000) and many more...
  • Guest speaker, McGill University, Department of Education (workshops and lectures on storytelling and the oral tradition)
  • Guest speaker, Concordia University (workshops and lectures on storytelling and the oral tradition)
  • Featured artist in the roster of the Culture in Schools program, Ministry of culture, communications and the status of women, Québec

other professional activities

  • Creation of a teachers’ guide on storytelling techniques, National Film Board of Canada (2010)
  • Artistic Director, English Section, Québec Intercultural Storytelling Festival (2007, 2009)
  • Chair, Montreal Storytellers’ Guild (2004 to 2006)
  • Member of Regroupement du conte au Québec
  • Member of Storytellers of Canada / Conteurs du Canada

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